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Book of the Month Club

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Rainbow Mountains

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Rapa Nui

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Web Design

Renate’s Book of the Month Club

Renate is a serious reader. She loves books, real books, that is, not pixels. And surprises. And packages that come in the mail. In the old days, when she was a baby reader, she belonged to the original Book of the Month Club. A box of five to seven hardcover...

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Choose Your Colors Strategically

Thinking of painting your home? Did you know the colours you select, can have a direct correlation on your mood? Wondering why you’ve been a bit crabby of late? Not getting a good night’s sleep? There could be a simple explanation: you’ve stuffed your paint colours up! Colour can have...

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Optimize typography to build your brand.

What Is Brand Typography? Brand typography is a visual element of brand style guide, or brand book, that arranges your business’s written copy in a legible way and aligns your messaging with your brand personality. Brand typography is not quite the same as brand font or typeface, although they are...

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Streamline Navigation

Streamlined navigation provides a glimpse of the most important aspects of a website design. It should include key or most-visited pages. It should not include every page on your website. Nothing says “old website design” like a mega dropdown navigation menu.

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Digital Marketing as a career

What is WordPress Multisite? WordPress Multisite is a feature that lets you create an entire network of sites powered by a single WordPress install. The network shares a database and file system, which means you can control everything, including the themes, features, and user roles from a single dashboard. You...

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Prioritize Mobile

WHY SHOULD YOU PRIORITIZE MOBILE FIRST WEBSITE DESIGN? Published on May 15, 2022 UTDS Optimal Choice 491 followers Follow Whenever a professional advertising company like UTDS Optimal Choice, advises a client or viewer to make sure website designs are optimized for mobile users. The first question we usually get is “Why?”...

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